Thursday, April 16, 2009

A4DeskPro Flash Website Builder 1.30

Professional Flash Website Design in few Clicks

A4DeskPro is a powerful, easy to use, all-in-one flash website design software.

You can create Flash website and presentations, with multiple menus and sub-menus, with stunning flash animation effects and color with just few mouse clicks -- right on your desktop computer (or notebook)

NO coding knowledge, NO Internet connection, and NO purchase of high priced commericial flash editing software required. (save hundreds!).

Flash WebSite Software Features Highlight

•All-in-one flash website builder
•Use it to create flash websites, resume or CDROM presentation for royalty free usage
•Wide selection of professional flash website design templates
•Customizable flash template color
•No flash or programming skills required
•Multiple language support, including English, Chinese, European,
Japanese, Korean and more...)
•View and edit template on local desktop, host completed website on any host server.

A4DeskPro Flash Website Builder 1.30

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